Late Shri Ramu Patel - Founder of Western Times

We are a family of professional journalists and public relations executives. Our founder late Ramubhai Manibhai Patel is a journalist of 55 year standing having worked with top ranking national media before launching Western Times Daily as self employed journalist since 1967. late D. M. Patel Deputy Editor had been public relations officer of Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation For long.

Mr. Nikunj Patel Managing Editor is a qualified journalist and Printing Technologist. Mr. Deepak D. Patel, Qualified Microsoft Cetified System Engineer, Sound knowledge of Printing Technology, Mr. Nirav Patel is a journalist and business executive. All three sons of the family are fully conversant with computer, technology and operation. We run our own unit for decades.

Gujarat's own English daily founded in 1967 now has five Gujarati language editions covering 16 districts through locally oriented editions, serving and articulating ethos of different areas in Gujarat.

Western Times group of dailies are essentially professional publications dedicated to faithfully reflect the vital interest of the fast developing Gujarat state. The group with total circulation of over 2 lakhs copies produced daily 20 pages of readable, material, invariably consistent with positive journalism.


 We are in the field of communications. We have a group of Publications including English daily started in 1967 and five Gujarati language editions appearing for the last many years. Our editions are spread over most of the districts in Gujarat.


Western Times Gujarat's own on English Daily launched in 1967 is perhaps the only surviving daily which is owned by professionals and run as a professional publication with ethical and responsible standard of journalism by working journalists. The daily which originally had unique arrangement of news collaboration with eminent national daily. "THE STATESMAN" has now blossomed into a group of dailies. Alongwith the flagship of the English daily, there are now 5 more daily editions in Gujarati language published from various districts.

The Western Times group of dailies follow a clear cut policy of regional and district orientation with strong local accent in the districts editions and therefore the editions have become very popular in 14 of the 20 districts actively covered by the editions.

The dailies reach other districts also but with smaller spread because of distances. There are plans to add 4 more editions to cover all the district in the next 2 years. The group publishes a total of 20 pages everyday with 2 pages as common pages in our editions. The total circulation of the dailies is now more than 2 lakhs, which places the Western Times, group in the fourth rank in the whole state.

The editorial content of our dailies has a social=cultural thrust which the bigger, commercially oriented dailies ignore in preference of politics crime etc. Gujarat has a vast social group called "Patidars" among whom Western Times is very popular because the dailies provides wide coverage to the community. The dailies also provide such coverage to other community groups.

The Western Times group has proved to be of substantial media value for advertiser. The group is on the media list of the state and central Governments and also of many national advertisers. Computer Composed, page making and printed on Latest 4Hi pneumetic control Web-Offset Rotaries.

Western Times dailies have loyal readership with adequate purchasing power among business and farming communities and educated middle classes. The fact that the group has survived and grown in face of competition from local editions of national dailies is indicative of its impact in the opinion forming sections in the fast developing state of Gujarat. It is to be noted that Gujarat stands first in terms of Indian and Foreign investment and has a great diversity of markets for goods and services which can be profitably tapped through the media like the Western Times group.
